Channel button changing volume on sound bar?

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Sep 6, 2017
So I know this is going to seem odd but my Verizon remote is changing the volume on my new sound bar. The problem is that it's not with the volume button. Its with random other buttons like the skip forward and the channel buttons. I Have tried to reset the remote but it still affects the soundbar. Anyone have any ideas?

Samsung TV
Verizon Cable Box
Amazon Soundbar
New TV, or new soundbar (more likely). A lot of cheap no name sound bars don't care about remote codes, or their compatibility.

Try separating (optically) TV and the bar.
Dude, I just googled this because I had the same exact problem. I fixed it by going into settings on the FIOS box and switching the audio from surround to stereo. Not sure why that should make a difference but it seems to have solved the problem!

I know this thread is 9 months old but I came across the same issue and was looking for help and found this. After many failed attempts at trouble shooting I called JBL(harmon) my sound bar manufacturer and this is a known issue (verizon stb) in particular. After unzipping a file to a usb memory stick they emailed me and following directions to update the soundbar it fixed the issue. It only took a few minutes and everything works great now.
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