So I've decided to get a budget laptop for emailing, web surfing and maybe a bit of gaming. Nothing too hardcore as I have a perfectly good rig at home, but maybe something that could handle mmos ( GW2, SWTOR, ESO ) on the lowest settings. I have found two such laptops and can't decide which is better.
Acer Aspire E5-571-30VE $320
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor 2.0GHz
Microsoft Windows 8.1
4GB DDR3L SDRAM (Upgradable to 8gbs which I plan to do in the future, maybe. )
500GB 5,400RPM Hard Drive
Intel HD Graphics 5500
Dell Inspirion I3542-8334BK $340 ( Originally about $390 but it's an open box clearance )
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz ( Up to 2.7GHz turbo boost )
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
8GB DDR3-1600 RAM
1TB 5,400RPM Hard Drive
Intel HD Graphic 4400
I can't really decide which would be better for running low end games. The Dell has a much better CPU ( assuming the i5s turbo boost works in video games ) with a decent integrated graphics card ( HD4400 ) while the Aspire has a decent CPU ( newer model i3 @ 2.0ghz ) with a much better integrated graphics card that can run handle even some modern games.
As I'm really stumped and indecisive I'm wondering what do you guys think? Which is better? Do you have any particular opinion towards Dell over Acer? All the little thoughts help me decide and I'd love some advice. Thanks!
Acer Aspire E5-571-30VE $320
Intel Core i3-5005U Processor 2.0GHz
Microsoft Windows 8.1
4GB DDR3L SDRAM (Upgradable to 8gbs which I plan to do in the future, maybe. )
500GB 5,400RPM Hard Drive
Intel HD Graphics 5500
Dell Inspirion I3542-8334BK $340 ( Originally about $390 but it's an open box clearance )
Intel Core i5-4210U Processor 1.7GHz ( Up to 2.7GHz turbo boost )
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
8GB DDR3-1600 RAM
1TB 5,400RPM Hard Drive
Intel HD Graphic 4400
I can't really decide which would be better for running low end games. The Dell has a much better CPU ( assuming the i5s turbo boost works in video games ) with a decent integrated graphics card ( HD4400 ) while the Aspire has a decent CPU ( newer model i3 @ 2.0ghz ) with a much better integrated graphics card that can run handle even some modern games.
As I'm really stumped and indecisive I'm wondering what do you guys think? Which is better? Do you have any particular opinion towards Dell over Acer? All the little thoughts help me decide and I'd love some advice. Thanks!