M marshadu Prominent Feb 3, 2018 1 0 510 Feb 3, 2018 #1 Is it possible to play a turntable through a bose sound wave unit?
Solution clarkjd Feb 3, 2018 marshadu : Is it possible to play a turntable through a bose sound wave unit? Welcome to Tom's! Yes, it is possible, if the sound wave has aux inputs. Depending on the cartridge in your turntable, you may need a pre-amp.
marshadu : Is it possible to play a turntable through a bose sound wave unit? Welcome to Tom's! Yes, it is possible, if the sound wave has aux inputs. Depending on the cartridge in your turntable, you may need a pre-amp.
clarkjd Distinguished Dec 7, 2005 374 1 19,310 Feb 3, 2018 Solution #2 marshadu : Is it possible to play a turntable through a bose sound wave unit? Welcome to Tom's! Yes, it is possible, if the sound wave has aux inputs. Depending on the cartridge in your turntable, you may need a pre-amp. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
marshadu : Is it possible to play a turntable through a bose sound wave unit? Welcome to Tom's! Yes, it is possible, if the sound wave has aux inputs. Depending on the cartridge in your turntable, you may need a pre-amp.