Could Visa's In-Vehicle Payments Bring Back the Carhop?

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Sometimes I wonder what the point of all this "Innovation" is. All we are really doing is separating ourselves even further from human contact, in addition to taking away jobs from those who need them the most. Who really cares about being able to pay for your McDonalds wirelessly? Frankly I could care less about useless technology like this. All of this effort and money could be put towards other things like ending world hunger.
i could care less about world hunger but i agree that this is a waste of someones time and money. like everything connected to the internet theres gonna be hackers who's order food under others names then of course no one picks it up then companies are wondering why they wasted their time letting you put that crappy technology in theirs stores. try again and try not to find ways the make people lazier they already enough worthless handout abusing people out there.
So we already have trouble with people who text and drive... now who thought added trying to order food on a touch screen would be a good idea.

World hunger is sorta a myth, we through away enough food to feed everyone in Africa every year because it doesn't meet quality standards in the US. Basically there is a ton more food than is necessary to feed everyone, it is just a problem of people throwing it away instead of getting it to the people who need.
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