Custom Laptop Build


Jun 26, 2009
Have we reached a point in geekdom where PC system builders can cross-over to laptops, safely unlatching ourselves from the teet of the big-time manufacturers (Dell, Apple, etc.)?

I sure hope so.

I posed a similar question to Google, which returned seemingly helpful articles that detailed some pros and (mostly) cons of starting with a barebones, modular laptop case and building up from there. Unfortunately, said articles were quite dated; ie. tomshardware circa 2005 and pcmech crica 2007.

So now I turn to you guys...

Anyone on these forums have experience building a custom laptop? If so, what should I look out for? Is functionality and/or performance sacrificed?




Apr 12, 2009

barebone laptop r pretty expensive still....OCZ came out with some, but it wasn't a big hit, really the only that u can modify itz the CPU, RAM and HDD, motherboard and graphics u can't change them, and mobile CPU are pretty epxensive and hard to find, u r better off buying a pre-built, unless u can get hook-up w/ 1 of ur buddies that work at those big company, then maybe he/she do sth for u

I agree with most of that except the part about CPUs. AMD mobile CPUs are near impossible to find. Intel on the other hand are easily found at They even have the high-end T9600 (2.8ghz) for $340 which isn't too bad.

But yes, building your own laptop is not nearly as cost saving as building a desktop, nor do you get all the customization options.