DAC, AMP, and Discrete Sound Card.


May 9, 2013
Hi guys. I'm not most acquainted when it comes to audio based hardware so I figured I would ask you guys. I have a discrete graphics card in my computer, and it is a fairly good one. Here is the store page: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829132006. But, I was wondering if I would benefit from a discrete external DAC/AMP. I was looking at this one, and it caught my eye: http://www.amazon.com/E12A-Special-Portable-Headphone-Titanium/dp/B00IM6WPHU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448584798&sr=8-1&keywords=Mont+Blanc-E12A.
you mean soundcard not graphics card as what you linked was a pc soundcard.
the xonar dx is a good soundcard (same dac onboard as the much more expensive stx but it doesnt have a strong amp)

also, the product you linked to second was an amplifier not a dac+amplifier unit.
if you want to use your soundcard you will want just an amplifier not a dac+amp combination unit so at least you're looking at the right type of products.

now, is it worthwhile? hard to say unless you list what headphones you are using now and what your thoughts are as to your current performance of them with just the dx.