Where do you get your information from? "ATMs are basically computers that control access to cash, and as it turns out, almost 95 percent of them run on versions of Windows XP," Regalado wroteI spent 8 years installing, and repairing ATMs and NONE of them ran Windows XP, or Windows XP Embedded. Granted, I only worked on NCR, Triton, and Wincor Nixdorf. The Tritons ran their own propriatary OS, NCR ran OS2/Warp, and when I got out of the industry a highly customized version of NT4 (5 years ago), and Wincor also had an NT4 based OS. Lots of these ATMs are connected via dedicated MPLS circuits to the Financial Networks, and hacking into those while possible, would still be quite a feat. The only real "damage" the guys can do would be to override the dispenser to disk out cash. I've only ever known of 1 machine to go completly bonkers, and that was back in 2003 in northern Alberta where an NCR machine just lost it's mind, and started dishing out bills through the dispenser. Good thing it was one of the branch staff that was making the transaction at the time, and they called me directly.