Does facebook remember old email addresses if you delete them?

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Feb 18, 2015
Let's say that you delete completely a facebook account to create a new one. You delete the email address you used to register in the site and you use another one. If you use the email you used to register in the new account will facebook remember it or it's removed completely? In general are the information of the account connected with the email address? E.g. I have heard that if you sent many unanswered friend requests facebook stops you from sending other friend requests for a while. So if let's say that happens and the user removes his email address and uses it to a new account will the new account with the old email address remember these information and maybe get a message? I give it as an example because i was wondering if facebook connects what happens in your account with the email you use and keeps a history even if we don't know it? It hasn't happened ever to me . I just use it as an example to better explain my question.


Jan 24, 2015
"Let's say that you delete completely a facebook account to create a new one. You delete the email address you used to register in the site and you use another one. If you use the email you used to register in the new account will facebook remember it or it's removed completely?"

= Its Removed Completely, Whenever you try to Delete a Facebook account, they will wait u for approximately 14 days or idk in order to get ur account to be deleted,

Although Creating new account with the old email(that had an old fb account which got deleted) is np, facebook will not remember it when your old account is deleted,
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