Drivers Won't Update or Install


Dec 18, 2011
I'm running an Acer Aspire 5745 Windows 7 64bit with Intel HD integrated graphics, and sorry this is so lengthy.

Alright, so my main problem here is that my graphics driver refused to update (actually none of my drivers will work or update), and when I searched for help, it seemed like everyone was saying to uninstall the drivers and then reinstall, so I uninstalled. But when I tried to reinstall, I hit all the same error messages that I had before.

I had downloaded the drivers from Acer, ran the .exe, and that failed, saying "an error occurred while registering one or more components, setup will exit." Going through the Device Manager and doing the "have disk" method didn't work as there wasn't an igdlh file where there supposed to be.

So I downloaded the drivers from Intel and got the exact same results, even though the igdlh file was there. I've tried everything I can think of, done everything suggested, and nothing.

If anyone has any suggestions, I could really used them, right now my resolution is way off of my screen size, I can't put my computer to sleep, can't lower the brightness, and can't use HDMI out. I just use all of those functions on a daily basis, but I'm sure there are more issues I just haven't found yet.

Any help is greatly appreciated