How about including some other TOP PERFORMERS? How does The Huawei P40 Pro do in comparison, for example?
I mean- for the sake of God! - even my old P30 Pro, from the early stone ages, kicks the butts of all the phones on your list, bar OnePlus 9/9 Pro and gets a shared second (modelwise, otherwise shared third..) place together with Asus ROG Phone 5! (Even though the ROG 5 has a HUGE battery.. But how many consumers will actually buy that model? Isn't that a total "fringe-product"?)
With up to 70% of 4200 mAh for the P30 Pro, (which also happens to be a rather common phone, globally...), wouldn't it be OBJECTIVE and also FAIR TO YOUR READERS, to also include the P40 Pro, or are Huawei phones maybe not being sold in the US anymore? (I'm NOT being sarcastic here, as I do understand that there are issues with Huawei, especially on the US market..)
Btw- NO affiliations with China or Huawei for me! (except that almost every technical gadget I buy, seens to be manufactured in China - just like all of the other phones on your list, obviously...)
Cheers from Sweden!