Fortnite Battle Royale - Season 4 Week 7 Challenges

This week’s challenge has some weird tasks like eating apples or mushrooms or scoring goals. But, it will be a lot of fun to complete these challenges as you will be doing something new besides the routine killing. Take a look at the guide to completing all challenges below:

Deal Damage with Pickaxe to Opponents:
Thank God they didn’t give the challenge of killing someone with the pickaxe. Although it is a bit challenging but it can be done. Play Duos or Squad and once someone is down on the ground, dealing damage to them with the pickaxe. You need to do just 250 damage.

Search Chests in Risky Reels:
Risky Reels is a wide open area and that makes it a dangerous place. Now that you have to go there in search of chests, other players will be there as well and it is going to be like a madhouse. But, with the map of chests below, you will be able to get the chests before others. You need to search seven chests.

Consume Apples, Hop Rocks, or Mushroom:
You need to eat any one of them to complete the challenge. And eating an apple is a good idea as it is easy to find the apple. There is a good spot at the south of Tomato Town, below the underpass area on the map. Go there, and eat 20 apples.

Score a Goal on Different Pitches:
You need to score a goal in 5 different pitches found in the map. Now finding those pitches can be a hectic thing to do. Therefore, follow this map to find them all and score the goals:

Follow the Treasure Map of Pleasant Park
You don’t have to do the whole search of the treasure map and then following it to find the treasure. Instead, you can just directly go to the treasure. You will find the reassure at the top right corner of D6 on your map.

Assault Rifle Eliminations:
This is not a hard thing to do, you usually eliminate your enemies with assault rifles, right? If not, then there is no need to panic, you can just complete this challenge over time. Every person has at least one AR in their loadout. So just take it out, and finish off your enemies. If you are facing issues with it then just lower the health of the opponent with the weapon you usually use and then take out the assault rifle and kill them.

Eliminate Opponents in the Shifty Shafts:
Another obvious and simple challenge. And the good thing is that the shifty shaft has a lot of lower and vertical levels so you can get into many weird fights and that’s how you can eliminate your opponents, by taking advantage of the vertical and lower levels. Just make sure to get a gun as soon as possible because you will be facing a lot of enemies.

Just follow these tips above and you will be able to complete the challenges quickly. You can even kill the enemies in Shifty Shafts with assault rifles to complete both challenges at the same time.
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