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On Mon, 24 May 2004 11:44:55 -0500, ""
<> wrote:
>On Sat, 22 May 2004 16:53:47 -0500, Mark Lloyd
><mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote:
>>On Sat, 22 May 2004 12:20:05 -0500, ""
>><> wrote:
>>>Hi Again,
>>>Went on vacation and when I returned, found out that episodes had been
>>>moved around and I missed them. If any one has final episodes of
>>>Friends and/or Frasier, would greatly appreciate them being sent to
>>I don't have those, but it looks like you could really use theme
>>channels. They record shows regardless of time/channel.
>>You can find almost any recent show in a binaries newsgroup.
>Hi Mark,
>Thanks for the post. I've set up theme channels in the past. The
>thing I don't like about them are the conflict resolutions. I've had
>problems with this before.
I've been asking for a priority feature since before the version 2
software came out. They've just added one but ddn't tell people about
it. You have to enter "theme priority" at the command line to enable
it. Note that it works backward (lower number, higher priority).
>But, it might have helped in these cases where the episodes were being
>moved to different time slots and days.
>Thanks to all that have posted.
Mark Lloyd

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh