News From' season 4 has been confirmed — but I have one major concern

The job of the writers is to keep the paycheck coming into their coffers. It benefits the entire production system for there to be more than one season of anything. Twin Peaks was the great maiden voyage with this style of script writing. Just put anything on the screen to keep the mystery alive, the actors employed, the ratings coming and the script writers employed. There is nothing about Season 4 that could have not been wrapped up in Season 1. Tom, you are correct to be concerned about the future of Season 4. From my viewpoint, the script writers will not be providing any answers yet, as MGM+ would love nothing more for this series to continue into 5 and 6. Think of the money this series is creating for everyone involved. I am giving up on Season 4, as the plot twists have become ridiculous and they lost focus on the initial story line 2 seasons ago. Why would the script writers even begin to flesh out the ending story line to wrap From up at the end of Season 4? Continued watching on my part only makes me feel like Charlie Brown believing that Lucy is going to hold the football this time around. The real mystery of From is that there is no final episode as long as rating continue to be as strong as they are............or is that a mystery as to why it continues season after season?