g430 v.s. Razer Kraken 7.1

I say go with the corsair vengeance 2100 or H2100 (same thing) but h2100 is newer i think. Way better than both, ive had experience with both headsets. The logitech has great sound and is comfortable, but the constuction is very weak, it wont last too long. The Kraken 7.1 has great construction and feels premium, but sound is no good, buzzing in the background alot, and when switching programs, synapse takes a while to sync. For example,, i am talking to my friend on skype, then I want to listen to some music, you wont hear anything for a couple seconds because its syncing.

Hope it helps!, right now, im also looking for a good headset too.
If those are your only 2 options then I would take Logitech over Razer any day. I am not a fan of the sound quality or construction of Razer headsets. While Logitech doesn't have the greatest sound quality in the world, it is generally more than good enough for the average gamer. The construction of the G430's isn't terrible either.

A friend of mine has a pair of G430's and he seems to be happy with them.

im open to suggestions on a pair if you want to make one
I have G930's wireless and works godly. Since the 030 series are pretty much the same, I would go logitech anyday.
With 7.1 Surround Sound, Memory Foam Cups and Headband, feels great and very reliable.
The Kraken does indeed look nice, but razer synapse sucks. It crashes way too often and when you unplug it stuff hits the ceiling.

<<Edited for inappropriate language>>

how long have you had them? how is the battery? is the wireless any good? do they randomly turn off?

To make the best suggestions, we need to know price range and what you want out of the headset.
I have the Kraken 7.1 and I really enjoy it. The virtual positional audio is surprisingly accurate and the build quality is on par with everything else in that class. The Synapse 2.0 software makes setting them up super easy, too. The retractable mic is very accurate and sensitive. The only drawback I've noticed (as have others if you read reviews) is that they are rather tight fitting and it may take a while to loosen up should you have a larger head. I don't mind the fact that they're wired as opposed to wireless, but that might be more important to others. I don't see that as being much of a disadvantage, really.

Personally speaking, I'm not a fan of the green color since it clashes with my blue hued peripherals. It would figure that shortly after I decided to buy mine that the new Chroma ones came out. Oh well. The only illumination on them is on the ear cups and it can be turned off through Synapse should you wish it. As for Synapse, I've not had any issues with it regarding unplugging anything.

well im looking for $100 or less, for it to be comfortable, build for gaming long hours, and i would like it to have a black color with a blue undertone to fit with my pc build
It sounds like you just described the G430's. You could also look at the Plantronics GameCom 780. I have only listened to them for a few minutes and they sounded pretty good, especially for the price. Others that own them have said that they are really happy with them.

I suppose then you could also look into the Corsair Vengeance 1500v2. They're USB with virtual 7.1 sound, reportedly rather comfortable, and match your blue/black requirement. The only issue as I understand it is that the drivers are shit. I had considered them strongly before settling on the Kraken 7.1. You can usually find them for ~ $85 US or so. Should you decide that wireless is a better option, the Vengeance 2100 fits that role and they're ~ $90.

Here are the two paired @ Newegg:

2100: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826816028

* Apparently they changed the model to a newer version that's black/yellow. Dunno if that's a deal breaker or not. It's here:


1500v2: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826816029

*Same deal with that model. New version is below with same color scheme:


I say go with the corsair vengeance 2100 or H2100 (same thing) but h2100 is newer i think. Way better than both, ive had experience with both headsets. The logitech has great sound and is comfortable, but the constuction is very weak, it wont last too long. The Kraken 7.1 has great construction and feels premium, but sound is no good, buzzing in the background alot, and when switching programs, synapse takes a while to sync. For example,, i am talking to my friend on skype, then I want to listen to some music, you wont hear anything for a couple seconds because its syncing.

Hope it helps!, right now, im also looking for a good headset too.

Hey guys, I have tried both headsets and he is sooooo wrong. the kraken chroma pros are the beter, updated version of the regular krakens with positional surround sound, crystal clear mike, amazing customizable sound and lighting I also like that they have a retractable mike . The chromas are black but you can customize the lighting to blue or you could go with the neons that are more blue then black but the rest of the head set is black. But most of all it is the most comfortable headset I have ever used I can go even over 9 hours without my ears becoming uncomfortoble


1) If I'm not mistaken, the new Razer Chroma series weren't released when this was asked. There is a possibility that I am wrong in this regard. Just like before, I am not a huge fan of Razer products, as I have had bad experiences with them for what you're paying for them.

2) The best answer was selected 2 months ago. There is no need to bring back a dead thread.
The Kraken PRO is low quality for what you pay for it. My friend has the same one in green and he was surprised my $30 Panasonics (budget champs) were just better all around. Better build/sound quality and comfort.

If you bought any headsets from Razer or any other "gaming" brand (with few exceptions), you're paying more for the marketing and not the product itself.

I have a pair of Steelseries Sirberia V3 and im extremely happy with this headset. So comfortable, can play for hours on end with no problem, retractable mic, universal fit, mine are black but come is other colour schemes. Sound it great. If you can't decide on anything yet I'd recommend checking these out. There are many different prices online but i got mine for around 80. Very happy with my buy