what settings can i run witcher 2, crysis 1,2, stalker clear sky and call of pripyat, metro 2033, bf3, and batman AC @1920x1080p on my clevo p170em i7 3610, 8gb 1600mhz ram, with amd radeon 7970m? i have seen benchmarks and read through dozens of forums but not getting specific answeres i can max all my games @1080p with directx 11, 4xAA, and 8xAF accept for these well i can run all those game at max accept for witcher 2 but dont know what fps im getting and dont trust fraps? just want to know waht setting i can use hybrid or otherwise so these games run smoothly and fluently @1080p please help i have been up for weeks looking for the answers these games dont run slow or anything maxed out just inconsistent plus im a first time pc gamer so i dont know *** but no condesending desktop guys please! dont want a desktop already know there cheaper and more powerfull just got a mac and cant get another desktop. Also on another subject my clevo got a low vantage 3dmark score 19874 wtf thought these were suppose to get 20000+? Im using clevo drivers tried the 12.6 and 12.7 beta but they scored even lower so uninstalled them and reinstalled clevo's. please help me my email is nickaolsen@yahoo.com if you wanna email me too that would be great thank you.