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Jun 2, 2012
what settings can i run witcher 2, crysis 1,2, stalker clear sky and call of pripyat, metro 2033, bf3, and batman AC @1920x1080p on my clevo p170em i7 3610, 8gb 1600mhz ram, with amd radeon 7970m? i have seen benchmarks and read through dozens of forums but not getting specific answeres i can max all my games @1080p with directx 11, 4xAA, and 8xAF accept for these well i can run all those game at max accept for witcher 2 but dont know what fps im getting and dont trust fraps? just want to know waht setting i can use hybrid or otherwise so these games run smoothly and fluently @1080p please help i have been up for weeks looking for the answers these games dont run slow or anything maxed out just inconsistent plus im a first time pc gamer so i dont know *** but no condesending desktop guys please! dont want a desktop already know there cheaper and more powerfull just got a mac and cant get another desktop. Also on another subject my clevo got a low vantage 3dmark score 19874 wtf thought these were suppose to get 20000+? Im using clevo drivers tried the 12.6 and 12.7 beta but they scored even lower so uninstalled them and reinstalled clevo's. please help me my email is if you wanna email me too that would be great thank you.
Fraps is accurate enough, if you don't trust it then that is your problem. You can always look for another application, such as rivertuner (which might have a FPS counter).

If you want to know what settings to run the game, test out different settings for yourself until you get a combination that works. Its not that hard, really...

As for Vantage mark, I found scores for 1024 x 768 to be around 19,000 (on gaming settings). This is for similar hardware to yours. For NON 1080P, vantage scores are around 21,000. But this is for lower resolution than what you are using. Higher resolution will equal a lower score as it taxes the system. I say for the resolution you are running, you are getting a great score.

I'm not really seeing why you are worried here, your system is obviously fine if its playing everything but one game at absolute max.
yeah i know im just being greedy i just had some issues with steam and other software only seeing my intel HD4000 and not my amd gpu actually nothing recognizes my graphics card i have to play a game and quit it just for it to acknowledge my gpu and configure it. Anyways thanks i have used fraps but fps seemed off. I know its prob not but i was playing diablo 3 on ultra 1080p and it was running fast no tearing stuttering or anything and it said i was getting 25 fps but i get 40 fps in crysis 2 on ultra at 1080p so how is that even possible? I have seen many benchmarks and reviews with my setup at 1080p and they were getting 90-150 fps on diablo 3? So is it my drivers my gpu what gives why does nothing acknowledge my amd radeon Hd 7970m and why do certain games run slow when i can max out more demanding games like metro and crysis but cant run stalker clear sky and c.o.p.? I just want to know if i am using the best drivers and if i should oc my gpu or cpu. i paid over 1800.00 for this machine cuz i thought i could max almost everything but im having issues with some games maybe its a windows 7 thing idk...... my 3dmark vantage score is 19,874 @1920x1080p
Delta6niner, try uninstalling or disabling whatever crap programs came default installed on your computer, especially the ones that are running in the background (like a crappy antivirus like norton, HP printer drivers, logitech mouse/keyboard drivers, etc.).

If there are no processes running in the background that would cause the intermittent slowing then try just turning the detail settings down; make sure SSAA isn't on or turn AA off completely or change the texture settings/global settings to medium or high instead of ultra and so on.
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