Get the Most Out of Facebook's Graph Search

Facebook’s Graph Search allows its users to search for very specific queries based on profile data. It helps you filter and narrow your search criteria, while allowing you to define searches in plain English.

In addition to just typing a line of text to search for people or places, you can get the most out of the Graph Search by initializing the ‘Refine the Search’ box, and specifying the search criteria of the objects/people you are looking for.

Here is how you can exploit the Facebook's Graph Search feature to get the most out of it:

    ■On your laptop/desktop PC open your favorite web browser.
    ■In the address bar, type
    ■Provide your login credentials in the appropriate fields and click the Log In button.

    ■On the Home interface, in the Search bar (bar with a magnifying glass) available at the top, type the keywords related to the object that you want to search, and hit Enter. These can be names, locations, educational institutions, and things users may have liked.
    ■From the list of suggestions, click to select the desired option.

    ■On the next window, click the Refine This Search option that is available at the right.

    ■From the displayed interface, populate the fields accordingly to narrow down your search criteria.


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