[citation][nom]techcurious[/nom]lol... Ok Jane, I can definitely appreciate your attitude in your response. Perhaps I was a bit too hasty in comparing you to the likes of Apple. I guess I am unaware of a significant time delay from when you submit your article to when it actually gets online. Perhaps thats why on occasions I have noticed that your error's do not get corrected for hours. I did not realise you could be sleeping by the time it was online Even as I posted my last comment, I assumed that you didn't want to leave a comment there that was not relevant anymore, but I was not certain of your motives. In the end, it did cause more confussion by deleting it.You are right that the comments on typo's are off topic, but I think me and others hope that if we criticize them enough, you and other's will take better care and do a better job of proof reading. Especially the Headline atleast. Honestly, it sometimes seems that you guys think it's no big deal. That is why I attacked your professionalism and resorted to words like sloppy. Consider this. What if I read the title of your article, but had no time to read the rest of it before going to bed myself. Then the next day at work, among my collegues, I quote you and they tell me I am must be remembering wrong. And being sure of my memory, I insist that Google is getting a "great deal at 1.9M".... I end up making a fool of myself because of your one little typo. And then I come back to your article and find that it does indeed say 2.9M??? So now I think I must be losing my mind? Another good reason to not remove all traces of edits, wouldn't you agree?[/citation]
If you must know the error occurred because I was rejigging the title to fit with our character constraints (yes, we have one for titles on the front page). Between swapping in and out 1.9, 2.9, 'Almost 3 and almost 2,' It just slipped through. Not only do we each proofread, but someone else proofreads to try and vet further mistakes. All I can say is that accidents happen. We're people, not robots. We write a lot each day and sometimes we make mistakes. Sorry we're not perfect.
Like I said, I used to acknowledge corrections and respond, but recent changes (I say recent but it's been months) dictate that we do what many other sites do, which is edit the post and delete any mentions of a typo as it derails the discussion (it's done a FANTASTIC job of that here, making this a prime example).
Also, I'd like to point that you compared me to Apple not once, but twice. I think that deserves TWO apologies!
ANYWAY. How 'bout that Google deal? New York is crazy expensive, no?