I agree with the scepticals. I have been servicing servers for 33 years berfore retirement. the @@@@ @who said "dont worry HD lifetime is longer than yours plan to "live fast and die young" I guess, like 5 years..
Average a consumer HD in a nongaming, non downloading HD lives 5-7 years before fatal errors can occur, SSD's in a gaming evinroment can die within 2 years. Lots of temp files craeted, read, deleted and replaced nonstop et al. SSD: Make a hard backup if it's critcal..
Hybrid SSD/HDD, if the interface to the HDD part is though the SSD , if the SSD dies, no acces to the HDD.
SSD is quick and nice and lives like the i***t who planned to live fast and die young ;p
The only really longlived HDD is the "write once read many " storage drives, they can live as "long as you" depending on how many really access it at all to ready anything 8) Professional quality drives have a longer lifespan ofc, btu they are ratehr more expensive as well, not really some for homeuse.
Also, dont rely on "tests" from hardware manufacturers, they lie professionally to distort how good their product really is ofc, like ALL manufacturers, sigh. Live for 70 years and you'll notice... Hopefully ;p