The immediate questions are:
- are you out of contract (have you had your services for over 2 years and not made any changes to it?) with Comcast? If you are, you can drop the cable services without paying any big cancelation fees.
- Do you have and use telephone service thru Comcast? If you're on a TriplePay package, (and out of contract) you'll see the biggest reduction in your monthly bill if you can drop Cable TV and Phone service. However, if you use the phone service, getting rid of it, can be a problem - in terms of cost and finding a replacement. If you have good cellphone service, that may be your best bet.
- What list of TV channels do you have to have? You've already established that you'd like your local broadcast stations. How about sports? National news channels? Could you live with just one local station?
YouTubeTV has the bundle of channels that most resembles your Comcast cable service. But that makes it the most expensive at $50 a month. Sling is probably the least expensive, but it depends on an antenna for local stations and that won't work for you. But if you can live with one local station, CBSAllAccess may be your best bet. That may give you your local CBS station for only $8 a month, plus whichever Sling package you go with.
Another possibility is Amazon Prime. $130 a year, lots of original programming, lots of music, and fast Amazon delivery. If you buy heavily from Amazon, that could be your best bet.
4. Given all of the above, call Comcast and drop cable TV and phone service. Keep Internet but you need at least 30MB download speed. ( You've probably already got this. But its the minimum you need for cord cutting.). This should cut your monthly bill to around $70 to $80 a month.
You can probably cut it a little more by buying your own modem and giving the one from Comcast back to them. Most people are paying a rental fee of $5 - $10 to Comcast for their modem. This is the internet box, not the cable tv box. Most modems being sold today are compatible with Comcast.
If you've answered all of these questions and still think you're ready to cut the cord. reply to this post and we'll talk about how you actually install all of this. It's not as hard as you think it is.