Headset is using speakers as mic instead of the real headset mic.

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Oct 16, 2016
Hello there! I just bought new headset from Dacota Gaming (Yeah, have never heard of them before either :D ). The problem is that when I plug the headset to the green audio jack, only the speakers are working. PC doesn't detect the mic. And when I plug my headset to the red audio jack, PC is using headset speakers as microphone. I got the headset mic work once when I plugged it to the red jack. I just had to use my other headphones as speakers. It wasn't a problem. But next day it didn't work anymore. I just wanna know why my PC is using Headset speakers as a mic instead of the real mic. My OS is Windows 10 64bit, motherboard is ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3 which is using VIA HD Audio Drivers.


Oct 16, 2016

Yeah, I was thinking that too. I guess I've to get one like that. I actually got the mic work correctly (no audio from speakers of course). It wasn't properly plugged. Small contact problems. My temporary (or maybe permanent) solution is keeping the headset around my neck and use other headphones as speakers. Keeping the headset around my neck takes the mic closer to my mouth which is good 'cause the mic is super short so your voice sounds very dry when speaking on it.
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