Help Needed: Pio CLD-3080 Problem



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I just came across a Pioneer CLD-3080 LD player with some very nice
features, and I purchased it. However, it has a problem and I'm
hoping someone here has experience fixing it.

The unit powers up. The display lights, but both side A and B
indicators are lit. I can insert a disc, but the drive motor never
spins up when Play is pressed. The laser assembly does seek, and the
lens attempts to focus on the disc surface.

Are there some "standard" things to look for when working on this

Regards, PC


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Most common fault would be cracking of one or more conductors at the top end of the white
ribbon cable that connects the main board to the laser preamp/interconnection board at the back
end of the mechanism. It tends to get creased from flipping disc sides, and eventually causes
conductors to start breaking at the crease.
Assuming that fixes the basic problem, and it probably will, if the unit has been shipped or
otherwise bounced around since last service, it is almost certain to need re-alignment of the
laser's optical diffraction grating. This is the one thing that really takes practice to get
precisely right, and is the biggest factor in making the unit track properly.
Nevertheless, the CLD3080 & the Elite version of same, the CLD95, are, I think, the best
sounding & best looking(video-wise) LD players ever made, and one of the best sounding CD
players ever made. I always keep at least one of them in my personal "system inventory".

Stephen Sank, Owner & Ribbon Mic Restorer
Talking Dog Transducer Company
5517 Carmelita Drive N.E.
Albuquerque, New Mexico [87111]
Auth. Nakamichi & McIntosh servicer
Payments preferred through
"prc1" <> wrote in message
> I just came across a Pioneer CLD-3080 LD player with some very nice
> features, and I purchased it. However, it has a problem and I'm
> hoping someone here has experience fixing it.
> The unit powers up. The display lights, but both side A and B
> indicators are lit. I can insert a disc, but the drive motor never
> spins up when Play is pressed. The laser assembly does seek, and the
> lens attempts to focus on the disc surface.
> Are there some "standard" things to look for when working on this
> player?
> Regards, PC


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If the ribbon cable looks good then look for the test points and connect a
scope to the "A" and "C" test points. You should see these toggle as the
lens moves up and down. If you don't, and the cable is good, the most
likely candidate to replace is the pickup and now it starts to get


"Stephen Sank" <> wrote in message
> Most common fault would be cracking of one or more conductors at the top
end of the white
> ribbon cable that connects the main board to the laser
preamp/interconnection board at the back
> end of the mechanism. It tends to get creased from flipping disc sides,
and eventually causes
> conductors to start breaking at the crease.
> Assuming that fixes the basic problem, and it probably will, if the unit
has been shipped or
> otherwise bounced around since last service, it is almost certain to need
re-alignment of the
> laser's optical diffraction grating. This is the one thing that really
takes practice to get
> precisely right, and is the biggest factor in making the unit track
> Nevertheless, the CLD3080 & the Elite version of same, the CLD95, are, I
think, the best
> sounding & best looking(video-wise) LD players ever made, and one of the
best sounding CD
> players ever made. I always keep at least one of them in my personal
"system inventory".
> --
> Stephen Sank, Owner & Ribbon Mic Restorer
> Talking Dog Transducer Company
> 5517 Carmelita Drive N.E.
> Albuquerque, New Mexico [87111]
> 505-332-0336
> Auth. Nakamichi & McIntosh servicer
> Payments preferred through
> "prc1" <> wrote in message
> > I just came across a Pioneer CLD-3080 LD player with some very nice
> > features, and I purchased it. However, it has a problem and I'm
> > hoping someone here has experience fixing it.
> >
> > The unit powers up. The display lights, but both side A and B
> > indicators are lit. I can insert a disc, but the drive motor never
> > spins up when Play is pressed. The laser assembly does seek, and the
> > lens attempts to focus on the disc surface.
> >
> > Are there some "standard" things to look for when working on this
> > player?
> >
> > Regards, PC


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Stephen, Kurtis--

Thank you--VERY good info! I'll check these points out and post my

Regards, PC

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 21:43:49 GMT, prc1 <> wrote:

>I just came across a Pioneer CLD-3080 LD player with some very nice
>features, and I purchased it. However, it has a problem and I'm
>hoping someone here has experience fixing it.
>The unit powers up. The display lights, but both side A and B
>indicators are lit. I can insert a disc, but the drive motor never
>spins up when Play is pressed. The laser assembly does seek, and the
>lens attempts to focus on the disc surface.
>Are there some "standard" things to look for when working on this
>Regards, PC


Archived from groups:, (More info?)

Well, the ribbon cable did have the crease problem, so I ordered and
installed a replacement. Still no go. I can dig deeper, but without
schematics I'll be poking around in the dark. Pioneer wants a hefty
amount for their service manuals--I can get loads of docs for any Sony
product for about half of what Pioneer charges.

It was worth a shot--thanks for the info. If you have any other
insights, I'd be grateful... :)

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 20:29:48 -0600, "Stephen Sank" <>

>Most common fault would be cracking of one or more conductors at the top end of the white
>ribbon cable that connects the main board to the laser preamp/interconnection board at the back
>end of the mechanism. It tends to get creased from flipping disc sides, and eventually causes
>conductors to start breaking at the crease.
>Assuming that fixes the basic problem, and it probably will, if the unit has been shipped or
>otherwise bounced around since last service, it is almost certain to need re-alignment of the
>laser's optical diffraction grating. This is the one thing that really takes practice to get
>precisely right, and is the biggest factor in making the unit track properly.
>Nevertheless, the CLD3080 & the Elite version of same, the CLD95, are, I think, the best
>sounding & best looking(video-wise) LD players ever made, and one of the best sounding CD
>players ever made. I always keep at least one of them in my personal "system inventory".