How do I fix my laptop?


Mar 25, 2012
Hey all

I bricked my laptop about a month ago through a bad flash of a custom BIOS.

All it did when powered on was have blank screen with 2 red LEDs on keyboard (f11 and f12).

So I ordered a replacement BIOS chip and attempted to solder it into the motherboard myself to save money.
When I was removing the old chip, 2 of the tiny copper contact pads came off the motherboard with the old chip. (pic below) So when I attempted to solder the new one in, two of the legs would not solder in properly.

I decided I would try it and see if it worked anyway, so I powered on the laptop after putting it back together. All it did was have a black screen. The Caps lock light was blinking every 2 seconds or so and there was one red LED on the f12 key (different error lights to before).

There was no solder crossing over 2 legs or anything, it was pretty clean. So I don't think I shorted anything out (if that is possible).

These different error lights are getting me worried that I may have done something horribly wrong.

Basically the question: Would replacing my motherboard fix my laptop?

Hi :)

Yes because new motherboard INCLUDES new bios chip....

Just out of interest (as I own a lappy repair company) WHERE did you get the bios chip and did you use a temperature controlled soldering iron (low temp) ?

All the best Brett :)


Mar 25, 2012
Thanks for your reply Brett.
I ordered the BIOS chip from
And no I used just a standard soldering iron with a fine tip.

The reason it did this to the board is because I used a needle to bend each leg of the bad chip as the solder melted. Obviously it created too much force and ripped some contacts off.

And yes, this is the first time I have tried this sort of thing and I learned a lot from it :)

Hi :)

Interesting about the chip supplier...

Next time, by the way, buy a temp controlled iron and use it at the LOWEST temp , that will only JUST melt the solder...

All the best Brett :)