How do I get my progress back


Jul 2, 2017
I accidentally uninstalled diomand digger saga and all my progress got lost. Is there a way to get it back?
Depends. You should be able to reinstall the app, however if you can get the data (aka progress, etc.) back will depend on if you were logged into the app/site when playing and saving the data, or if it was just being saved to your phone.

You should contact the company that makes the game to be sure, but I believe the only way is if you were saving the game through accessing it on their site.
Depends. You should be able to reinstall the app, however if you can get the data (aka progress, etc.) back will depend on if you were logged into the app/site when playing and saving the data, or if it was just being saved to your phone.

You should contact the company that makes the game to be sure, but I believe the only way is if you were saving the game through accessing it on their site.