How do I install XP pro on my gateway laptop when my operating system is Vista


Apr 2, 2009
Please help, I need to get rid of this Vista program to run my wuote writer for my work an I can't get the computer to run the disk

When I go to install XP Pro, it gives me an error essage saying that there is no disk in the drive. The computer is reading from the card reader which is internal and cannot be disconected.
Can I disconnect the drive in the BIOS? If so, how do I get in the BIOS?
Laptop is a Gateway M-6827.


How do you know it's reading from the card reader?

Your computer should tell you on boot how to enter the BIOS.

If not, try:
F1, F2, F10, F12, delete, and Ctrl+Alt+Enter. These are common BIOS commands.