How hot is too hot?


Jan 2, 2006
I bought a Laptop, Asus motherboard (was custom built, and has no manufacturer). Its been working fine for about a year now, but lately ive noticed that the temperature in the video card goes really high (about 80-83 deg C) in idle mode. Then if i open something like a game, the temperature of the GPU goes to 100!!!! I put some really powerful fans underneath it, and the temp just stayed at 80 deg C in Idle mode, and 92 while running a game. Im using SpeedFan to measure the temperature. Heres my pc specs:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz
RAm: 2gig
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate
Mainboard: Asus
GPU: nVidia GeForce go 8600, 256 MB

Is the temperature just fine, or is it too hot? I have a laptop stand wit 2 12V fans underneath it blowing directly at it.

The CPU temp is 56 deg and HD is about 45deg. Im just wondering why the big difference (could it be a wrong reading from the software?)

any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!


It doesn't sound like a wrong reading, although that is a high temp for a GPU. The fact that "no one" made your notebook is troubling, however...some manufacturer had to have produced your notebook, there's no way any one person has the resources to engineer their own notebook, and, as far as I know, Asus does not sell notebook motherboards to order by customer.

So...where did you get it? Also, how old is it? Consider taking it outside and giving the heatsinks some compressed air to get the bunnies out.


Jan 2, 2006
Its about a year old. I bought the case that came in with the motherboard and Video Card. Bought the CPU and HDD and DVD separately and then just connected to it.
Bought the parts from this site:


Okay, so in other words you have an Asus barebone notebook, which was manufactured by Asus.

Anyway, try blowing out the heatsinks. Also, use a different program to monitor temps (rivatuner i think does it, else GPU-z). Consider replacing the GPU thermal material with AS5 or something better. You have a G86 GPU, which falls under nvidia's "bad" GPU series, and that might just be the issue.