1. Club Penguin website- In your web browser’s address bar, type in clubpenguin.com and press Enter.
2. Tabs- At the top of the homepage, you will see several tabs. The first tab is the Membership tab. Click on the Membership tab.
3. Parent Tools- Since this game is for kids, a parent’s permission is required to play as well as a means for paying for the membership. Scroll down the Membership page and you will see a section entitled Manage Your Account. To the right of that, you will see a button that says Parent Tools. Click on Parent Tools.
4. Cancelling- One the Parent Tools page, you will see buttons to the right and login information on the left. You will have to log in using the parent e-mail and password used to set up the membership. On the right side, click Cancel Membership and follow any instructions given to complete the cancellation.