S sblythe Estimable Jan 1, 2015 2 0 4,510 Jan 1, 2015 #1 Need to connect wireless TV Ears to receiver
Solution R R revernt Jan 1, 2015 If you're using RCA audio cables to feed the receiver, something like two of these- http/www.amazon.com/Video-Audio-Splitter-Adapter-Female/dp/B003L1AI8O -would be an easy (and cheap) fix.
If you're using RCA audio cables to feed the receiver, something like two of these- http/www.amazon.com/Video-Audio-Splitter-Adapter-Female/dp/B003L1AI8O -would be an easy (and cheap) fix.
R revernt Honorable Sep 20, 2013 3 0 10,520 Jan 1, 2015 Solution #2 If you're using RCA audio cables to feed the receiver, something like two of these- http/www.amazon.com/Video-Audio-Splitter-Adapter-Female/dp/B003L1AI8O -would be an easy (and cheap) fix. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
If you're using RCA audio cables to feed the receiver, something like two of these- http/www.amazon.com/Video-Audio-Splitter-Adapter-Female/dp/B003L1AI8O -would be an easy (and cheap) fix.
delaro Distinguished Aug 23, 2011 318 0 20,010 Jan 1, 2015 #3 You would have to use the Headphone jack should it have one and a Stereo 1/8 Inch to Dual RCA Adapter Cable, note this would make it impossible for anyone else in the room to listen. Upvote 0 Downvote
You would have to use the Headphone jack should it have one and a Stereo 1/8 Inch to Dual RCA Adapter Cable, note this would make it impossible for anyone else in the room to listen.
A americanaudiophile Titan Aug 27, 2008 14,933 147 103,240 Jan 2, 2015 #4 If your receiver has a tape record output you should be able to connect it there. Upvote 0 Downvote