The latest MacBooks which are currently hitting the market have one major update which is driving people crazy, and this is a touch activated control strip placed above the keyboard. Various controls can be used from this touch bar and it is generally quite useful. What is even better is that it can be customized as per your preferences.
If you buy a MacBook right out of the store it will have few basic controls such as brightness, sound, Siri, etc. on the touch bar. But you can customize them using the following steps.
Step 1
Find out if the app whose functions you want to add to the touch bar is possible or not, because all of them aren’t, although Apple is working on that front. Launch the app of your choice and on the overhead menus find the ‘View’ option. If the app functions can be added to the touch bar, the drop-down menu will have a ‘Customize Touch Bar’ option available.
Step 2
Now you need to remove some of the older controls available. If you select any of these buttons on the touch bar and hold them down, they will wriggle. Hover your cursor over it and the ‘Remove From Touch Bar’ option will show up.
Step 3
Once the touch bar has space for adding necessary controls you can add your app shortcuts or the functions in it that you use most. On the right top side of the touch bar you will find the control strip, which will provide you a variety of functions you can add to the touch bar. And if viewed after opening through the ‘Customize Touch Bar’ option via an app, the various functions of the app which are touch bar compatible will be shown, which you can drag onto the touch bar.