how to fix "explore beyond limits" Acer E1-570

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Aug 26, 2017
Dear all
I have laptop Acer E1-570. Suddenly my laptop went shutdown due to battery low. I connect my charger and try to power on and some letter appears on screen. Mistakenly I have press one key and starts showing " explore beyond limits" I try time and again by power on and off. I also try to restart my laptop by pressing "Alt+Crl+Del" but it do not worked.

I also try by taking out battery and put back the battery and on the power still it does not worked

please anyone have solution to fix the problem. Your knowledge will be highly appreciated

yeshi zangpo

There should be a key to press to get into the BIOS at boot, I think for Acer is Del. Hit that a few times as the system is starting, in the BIOS setup find the reset to defaults option and do that.

It may help to know what these "some letters" were and what key you hit to figure out...
Hellow sir
Now how I will know that the BIOS problem. I am facing such type problem for the first time. when I power on my laptop it just blinks showing " Explore beyond limits" time and again blinks like that and cannot open the window.

l am just asking in this community to get help. I don't have any knowledge on computer.

please kindly help me in steps wise to fix that problem by explaining. I will be very happy to proceed my office work

There should be a key to press to get into the BIOS at boot, I think for Acer is Del. Hit that a few times as the system is starting, in the BIOS setup find the reset to defaults option and do that.

It may help to know what these "some letters" were and what key you hit to figure out what happened.
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