How to Locate my Lost Phone

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Honeysuckle Grace

Jul 20, 2016
I've just lost my Samsung android phone. There's no battery left so it has turned off. GPS isn't enabled. I have already logged on using my Samsung ID on their website, but as there is no power let in the phone and I didn't enable remote access in my settings previously, this is no use. How can I trace and locate my phone?
Android Device Manager might be able to give you the last known location before it was turned off, but if your GPS was never enabled, that might be a bit of a long shot. Your alternative is to call your phone company to see if they might have a record of it. Otherwise, if the power is off, if the GPS is off, and you don't have any other forms of device tracking already installed, you may be out of luck.
Android Device Manager might be able to give you the last known location before it was turned off, but if your GPS was never enabled, that might be a bit of a long shot. Your alternative is to call your phone company to see if they might have a record of it. Otherwise, if the power is off, if the GPS is off, and you don't have any other forms of device tracking already installed, you may be out of luck.
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