How to Send Extra Lives to a Friend in Bubble Witch 2 Saga

Bubble Witch 2 Saga is notoriously long, with new levels added monthly. If you're not inclined to buy extra lives and you don't have the patience to wait for them, the only other option is to ask your friends for lives. It’s considered good manners to return those lives when you're feeling generous or when a friend asks for help. Here's how to send lives to friends on Bubble Witch 2 Saga.

Step 1: Click on the messages icon at the top of the screen. Here you can view received lives or bonuses, ask friends for more, invite them to play, or send them lives!

Step 2: Click the “send” button next to your friend's life request to start sending him or her a little help. You can only access the send lives screen in Step 3 if you have a friend who has requested lives from you. Alternatively, click on the small red icon with a plus sign that appear from time to time in order to send out some emergency lives. Sadly, you have to wait two hours before you can bestow life on the same friend again.

Step 3: Select who you'd like to send lives to once you’re in the saved lives menu and send off a lifeline.

Recap: It’s easy to gift extra lives to a friend in Bubble Witch Saga 2 by following the steps above. Click on the messages icon, then click on the send button next to a friend's request and select the friend that you'd like to send lives to.