Virtual Reality is the next game. Moreover, Netflix being at the prime center of customer-friendly entertainment service, it is now available in Virtual Reality devices too providing an immersive experience to watch movies or your favorite episodes. Let’s walk through the process of watching Netflix in VR depending on which VR device you choose.
For every VR headset, the procedure is different. In here, we will see the process of watching Netflix in Daydream VR.
Step 1
Download and Install ‘Daydream’
You can avail 'Daydream' by downloading the APK file of the app from this website and installing it on your smartphone device.
Step 2
Download and Install ‘Netflix VR’
Once you are done with the Daydream app, follow the same steps to download 'Netflix VR' into your smartphone.
Step 3
Open ‘Netflix VR’
Open ‘Netflix VR’ app. It will pop up an instruction to turn on 'Google VR' services in your phone settings. Enabling it will make your smartphone more flexible to the VR app.
Step 4
Log in to 'Netflix'
Once you open 'Netflix VR', you will find yourself in a cozy and comfortable VR room with a large Netflix screen in front of you. Log in to Netflix and start your favorite show.
Step 5
Switch from 'Living Room' mode to 'Void' Mode
This step is a personal choice depending on the user. You need to look up to the ceiling of the living room in the VR and click on the ‘Void Theater’ to switch to Void mode. This Void mode only has the Netflix screen in view.
Step 6
Switch between modes
In the void mode, you can switch between 'Living Room', 'Travel mode', and 'Void mode'.
These are the steps with which you can watch Netflix in Virtual Reality