Hp Laptop Off Ebay


Jul 16, 2012
I'm looking to purchase a HP G62-140us off Ebay, the price is right and its everthing I need, but I am a little paranoid about buying stole merchandise, i've heard Ebay and craigslist is bad for that, is there any way you can check out if the laptop had been reported stolen or anything else about it , the seller has been up front with all my questions and seems honest enough, but doesn't have the reciept for it, says he bought it off ebay a couple of months ago, he just didn't need it no more as his work gave him one to use so he is selling this one he gave me the serial number and I'e looked it up on the HP website but it don't tell me a whole lot about it but I just want to make sure everything is on the up and up before buy it... Any help would be greatly appreciated..
What's his feedback like? How much feedback does he have. If he where new to Ebay with no feedback at all then you might have cause for concern but if he's a top rated seller has, 90+ rating and your paying by paypal then I say it's a chance worth taking.