I’ve seen 42 movies in theaters so far this year — here’s the 5 best and 5 worst

It’s so easy and sad to hate on M Night and now his daughter. The Watchers wasn’t the best movie I’ve seen, but this guy, like most critics seems pretentious and wants to fit in with a certain movie crowd, so he makes the same predictable statement about M Night or his daughter, that most do, and says the ending was seen a mile away. I doubt he saw it coming, it’s a decent watch and people should give it a chance. Have some integrity guy.
This list is not that great. I watched “Hitman” and thought it was pretty bad. To say this is in the authors top 5 out of 42 movies, then we have a completely different taste in movies. Hitman is one of the few movies I have ever stopped watching because it felt like a lifetime movie on steroids. It was crushingly boring.