I forgot my charger on 5-day road trip — but my iPhone never ran out of power

Is this article written by someone who's never had a phone before? Or been out in the real world? The phone was charged for most of the day, being able to survive not having overnight charging while charging during the day isn't some miracle of the battery. Also the idea you'd have to make a special trip to the Apple store for a charger? Literally any gas station sells chargers. Or just ask the hotel, pretty much every hotel has a box of chargers that have been left behind by other guests.
This was my experience in 2013 using Sony Xperia Z Ultra.... Ya, that's almost 10 years ago!! Why is this even an article in 2022??
Lmao no charger but he has a car charger lmao are you serious ? 😂 My car charger is awesome that's really all you need. What a joke of an article might as well be a build a PC meme
So this is now a religious publication?
Sharing the dogma of the Apple faith?
You didn't forget you charger, you brought one in the car.
My Samsung can do this too. I get 16 hours on a charge and that is with typical use with web and app as I would on a trip.
I also can find a charging cable in any drugstore. No need to visit some Samsung store temple for the last hold out against USB C.
OMG! I just did the same, forgot my Apple cable as it's now the ONLY device that I own that isn't USB C.
Luckily my Samsung phone also acts as a wireless charger and saved the day. Hopefully my work will stop using iPhones
I've gone a month without my charging cord for my android phone without it dying..... I just set my phone on my wireless charging stand each night.

Now that I dumped my work iPhone, I get by with one USB-C cord I leave in each of my travel bags for my laptop, tablet and 2 phones. Maybe that's the answer!
You want a story about battery life? I shied away from the Samsung S21 because reviews said it didn't really have enough battery to last a full day of use. I got a S21 Ultra instead, which they said would finish the day with about 20%-30% battery left.

Upon my first rundown test, the damn thing went over 100 hours (4 days) and still had just under 10% left. I had to cut the test short and charge it because I needed it charged for a trip that weekend. It lasts so ridiculously long I cranked all the options up to full and removed a bunch of apps from power save (e.g. to get rid of the fraction of a second lag in the wallpaper animation when turning the screen on). It still lasts 3.5 days. That's what I thought this article was going to be about - how to stretch your phone's battery life to make it last 5 days without recharging.

These reviewers must be glued to their phones all day. Upon carefully re-reading those reviews, a few of them specified 6-8 hours screen on time. Holy !@#$. I only average 1-2 hours SOT per day - probably because my job requires me to not be staring at my phone, and I have a tablet and laptop for browsing when not actually mobile. Based on these numbers, I suspect if you turn your screen's brightness down all the way, and only use the phone only for essentials, you can probably push its battery life to a week between recharges.