I have a TX SR 604 and run Dish VIP 722 DVR into HDMI 1 slot of the receiver. Then hdmi out to Samsung H7150 HDMI 1. I get a

janet harris

Oct 17, 2014
I have tried new cables, talked to Samsung and Dish, now I am down to the Receiver. Not sure
the problem, but am exploring all possibilities. Everything runs through the receiver. 5 - 10 minutes delays for visual. Audio is immediately fine.
Do you mean that you get no picture for 5 to 10 minutes if you go through the receiver? Assuming that this does not happen when you use the same HDMI cable that the connects the receiver to the TV directly to connect the Dish box then the receiver has an HDMI handshake issue. Check with Onkyo as they may know what the problem is and have a fix. Even if it is not in warranty they may have a recall if the problem is widespread. Sometimes the order that you turn on the equipment affects this so try different combinations.
Receiver is 7 years old, and can handle the signals.I talked to Onkyo and because it worked flawlessly with a 6' hdmi cable prior to moving it and having to use a 30'+ hdmi, they thought I needed an hdmi signal booster or extender equalizer. I tried an extender equalizer that required power on the receiver end. I have read where I might need to use the extender at the tv side. For that I have to acquire one with no power required, which I am in the process of doing. Will let you know if that works.
Yes to your question, no signal for 5 - 10 minutes every time it is turned on. It does not happen when the tv and dish dvd are connected directly to each other. The receiver seems
to be the problem, but Onkyo seemed to be baffled as well. The order idea is a thought.
I turn everything on at one time now. I was turning the DVR on first, then turning every thing else on. Didn't seem to help.
I have reset the receiver to factory settings and reset up my av inputs. I still have a 4-10 minute delay on the signal. Only now I have popping sounds coming out of my tv and it will go to snow for several minutes prior to the picture coming on. The popping noises are quite disturbing.