I lost my s4

If you lost eh phone, there is no way to lock it. Not unless you had an app installed that allows for remote access. There are a few of those out there. Other than this, the only other option would be to contact your carrier. They "may" be able to help you with it. But that is really a long shot. In most cases, unless you find it, and lock it yourself, you are not going to be able to do anything. The carrier can cut the service to it, but they usually can't lock it.

This is why I always say, back up your phone, and don't keep anything on your phone you don't want anyone to know.
If you lost eh phone, there is no way to lock it. Not unless you had an app installed that allows for remote access. There are a few of those out there. Other than this, the only other option would be to contact your carrier. They "may" be able to help you with it. But that is really a long shot. In most cases, unless you find it, and lock it yourself, you are not going to be able to do anything. The carrier can cut the service to it, but they usually can't lock it.

This is why I always say, back up your phone, and don't keep anything on your phone you don't want anyone to know.