Hello experts. I'll be brief. I am looking into buying myself a laptop, it will be my first one, so Ive decided to discuss this in here. What I am looking for is a decent but not crazy gaming laptop, I do play just very few games such as League of Legends, but nothing crazy that requires incredible comp specs. What I was thinking of getting MSI or Lenovo laptop with i5 cpu (ive read it somewhere i5 is good enough for the time being) probably looking into 4gbs of RAM, not quite sure about the video card. Most of my time I will spend browsing internet, maybe doing some work with microsoft office programs, and very little few games, and movies. MIm looking into spending 400-700pounds(if thats enough for a decent computer for top performance for this price range pc). I hope you can help me out and advice me on certain laptops and specs!! thank you very much