I replaced my work laptop with the biggest Android tablet you can get — here's what happened

I purchased one of Samsung's 1st big tablets back in 2015, the Galaxy Pro 12.2 P900. It was about $1,000.00 which was a fair bit of change for that time. It came out of the box with Kit Kat but immediately updated to Marshmallow. That was it for updates. Samsung discontinued security updates within the 1st yr I bought it. It was a glorious piece of hardware that could no longer safely be connected to the Internet. I have given Samsung the middle finger ever since. My long progression of Galaxy Note Phones (2,3, the horrible 4, and 5) stopped. I switched to Pixels. I have never purchased another tablet.
I've been dreaming this same dream since 2011. It just wasn't feasible at that time. Sure I knew those who uses Apple tablets this way but I'm a PC/Android guy. My LG G pad 8 just wasn't capable enough for my job of that time. Now I've got a Fire HD10 which does great for streaming and surfing but not pure Android. Recently I picked up the Pixel tablet and the reality came back into view. It wasn't long before I picked up a Bluetooth keyboard (Anker), mouse and a usi stylus. This rig all easily fits in a tablet bag for easy carry.