When the first Samsung Galaxys came out, photographers would always say "iPhone photos are more true to life. Galaxy photos are over saturated."
However, when posted in blind A-B tests, Joe Average Consumer would always pick the Galaxy, because the colors popped, and they were more pleasing to look at. Well, two things happened, more or less simultaneously: Apple heard the customers, and started increasing the saturation (although more subdued than Samsung had), and Samsung listened to the photographers, and started dialing down the saturation.
As you might expect, photographers were happier with Samsung than they had been, but Joe Average Consumer was less impressed.
Things have settled a bit over the course of several years, but Samsung finally heard their customers, and ramped the color saturation up a tad.
The moral of the story, I think, is don't listen to photographers about which camera is superior. Find the camera that gives you the photos that please you the most, and buy that phone.