Norton is complete garbage, almost as bad as McAfee. They are both excellent at marketing though. As others have said, Malwarebytes free version is the way to go. This will detect 95% of viruses/spyware.
The term 'hacked' is widely misused though. If you mean you think someone is accessing your machine remotely, there are ways you can find out. Running 'netstat -an' in a command prompt will list all open connections/IP addresses connected to your machine. Ignore all local ports ('s, 192.168.x.x's etc.) and then whois the ones you don't recognize to track them down. Or you could run a packet sniffer if you wanna get really crazy.
Sounds more like a spyware thing though if you're seeing things in IE options menu. Download and scan with AdwCleaner from as it does a good job of cleaning up browser toolbar crap/extensions.
I see thread says solved but still hope this helps someone eventually. =)