I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been a total disaster so far

Jun 18, 2024
I have actually had the opposite experience. Let me first say I had Verizon in NY and I loved it. I even had the pixel 6 pro with its dreaded modem and had great service al.ost everywhere. But about a year ago I got a transfer to Florida. Now at my job I could not even send a text message with Verizon. I did have 5g home internet here in Florida and it worked very good but my cell service was very very spotty. I just switched to Metro by T-Mobile and with the pixel 6 pro which was Verizon branded sim unlocked I got decent service at work. 40- 50 mbps download speed. Now my wife's pixel 6 unlocked from the google.store actually got 150-200 download speed in the same spot. So I got rid of the 6 pro and got the 8 pro now I have full service 200-250 download speeds at work. And I have service everywhere consistently. There are a few spots where I fall back to lte but that's the worst I have seen and it was a strong LTE connection. And that's just with metro not even the full T-Mobile network. I just wish T-Mobile would up their fixed wireless game. My Verizon home.internet got 300 mbps download consistently almost all the time. From what I read T-Mobiles max is 150. That's really not impressive considering what T-Mobile is actually capable of. But I'm sure they will get there. I remember a few years ago I had metro in NY and it was decent enough I only switched to Verizon because I loved FiOS so I figured I might as well switch and get all the discounts Verizon offered and it did serve me well in NY. Unfortunately there is no FiOS in the Daytona Beach area I live in so my choices are spectrum which is cable or some type of fixed wireless. I liked my Verizon 5g home but when I got rid of my two phone lines I lost the discount so the home internet went up to 80 a month and to me it wasn't worth it for just 300 mbps so I switched to spectrum and got gig speed for the same price. Anyway maybe it's your iPhone that is not getting good reception. Is your iPhone Verizon branded? Because I can tell you Verizon branded phones will work on other networks but not very well. Like I said my Verizon 6pro got 20 -50 download when my wife's unlocked pixel 6 got 200 download. Same phone same modem only difference was the Verizon branding.if you can get the iPhone from Apple directly or get rid of the iPhone altogether and get Android.
Feb 14, 2024
Sorry for your experience! Especially since you were at hospital! Switched to T-Mobile. I was already a 5G Gateway customer. Unlike T-Mobile, Verizon only offers DSL in my area about 50 miles from DC. Been that way ever since I've owned my home here and that's been decades. Cell phone coverage is as good as Verizon at my home. Took a road trip down to Atlanta. Used Google down and back for driving directions and signal only dropped for a few seconds on the way back.
Jun 18, 2024
Nevermind all the advertisements, 5G is not ready for primetime everywhere. When a 5G tower is not available your phone will then search for the nearest 4G/LTE tower in doing so you lose a connection and get excessive battery drain in the process. I've found what works best for me is just to switch the phone to 4G/LTE as the primary until your area has better 5G coverage sometimes in the future. 4G is expected to be around for at least 5 more years due to the reason noted above.
Jun 18, 2024
I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile as my phone carrier, and I've experienced too many drop calls and slow internet connections since making the move.

I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been a total disaster so far : Read more
I've had both as well and live basically in the same area but I've found both carriers to be about the same, years ago Verizon was definitely the better option but T-Mobile has caught up. The price of T-Mobile keeps me a customer but they are raising there's so this might a reason to switch
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Jun 18, 2024
I've had the complete opposite experience in central NC. Verizon is is fine, but is not nearly as fast as tmobile. When streaming on the go I have to use 480p or 720p and not HD like I can with tmobile. I've literally never had an issue placing a call over the tmobile network in recent memory. Even in edge cell cases in some rural areas tmobile still places the call. From a 4th place network a few years ago with terrible coverage to today it has been a vast improvement and I'm happy I switched back to them.
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Jun 18, 2024
I live in rural Oregon and have had Tmobile for years. Works well and maybe 2 dropped calls a year. I have been pleased with the performance and the 35.00 a month unlimited plan. Verizon plan starts at 70.00 a month. No thanks.
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May 27, 2016
I have a very different experience! After being with ATT for over 20 years, I switched to T-Mobile and it couldn't be better. ATT constantly had dropped calls, no signal and constant issues. ATT has the worst customer service. I don't think I've had one dropped call since switching to TMobile back in November, 2023. Signal strength is far and away better and places where I had virtually no signal with ATT, I have good signal strength with TMobile. We have 6 phones on our account and everyone has had a similar experience. I live in the midwest and realize where you're at dictates signal strength. I couldn't be happier with TMobile!
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Jun 18, 2024
Former Sprint customer here. Ever since T-Mobile took over the network performance has been terrible. The only thing that works well is speed tests. WeHe shows that they are deliberately degrading performance. I frequently do not get text messages until several minutes later, often 30 or more. Actual network throughput is often down to 4 bytes per minute, just enough to fool the phone into not showing you as disconnected.
Jun 18, 2024
I had Sprint for many years and never had problems. With T-Mobile, it's very common for my wife and I to be unable to call or to text each other. Neither will go through. Texts pop up hours after they've been sent while calls don't even show up at all. It's beginning to become an issue. Despite the price savings we may need to look for an alternative. Network speed, 5G, none of that matters if calls and texts simply don't go through.
Jun 18, 2024
Hey all, as a person who grew up in that area, lived and worked repairing phones out there until just a few years ago, T-Mobile works great as long as you do a few things to help.
1. Turn off WiFi calling. This contributes to dropped calls since there is no handoff between routers and cellular towers.

2. Update the PRL. Helps with preferred roaming,(like *228 for Verizon). Quick Google search helps with that one.

3. Restart your phone once a week or so. Amazing what a restart will do.

Must of this stuff is done automatically on Verizon's bloatware. Hope this helps.
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Oct 24, 2021
Our whole office just switched from Verizon to T-Mobile. One guy in Florida says his coverage is a little worse. Most of the rest of us in the greater Chicago area have shown some speed improvement. Tow of us (in Deerfield) have gotten a huge jump. Verizon has terrible coverage in Deerfield, but in T-Mobile, I get about 70% of the speed I get on my wired home internet. It's a huge improvement.


Sep 24, 2015
Your experience does not align with me and my families-at all. I live in Washington State and prior to that lived in SoCal and travelled to San Diego, LA, Palm Springs and Orange County. We travel up and down the coast, hike in the forests and Mojave Desert. My daughter lives in west-central Oregon and my son in San Antonio. T-Mobile is fantastic 95% of where we live and play. The two things our family have in common-no iPhones. Pixels, (7a, 8a) Samsungs (a54s), Nord (200) and Motorola (Edge) and no overpriced flagships. iPhones are known to have poor modems. Try an Android phone designed for the US for a day (no Xiaomi, Pocos, etc)
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Jun 18, 2024
While I hated T-Mobile during the transition from Sprint, a lot of those growing pains have went away and now I quite enjoy their service. I carry a T-Mobile device personally and a FirstNet phone for work and there have been three times in the last six months where FirstNet/AT&T were down but my T-Mobile phone still had service. Their customer service has been *generally* helpful and had even went out of their way to fix an issue that was probably my fault (line upgrade mixup). Coverage in my area is also about the same between the major carriers.
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Jul 25, 2020
No offense, but before you published this article, did you do any troubleshooting to figure out what your problem was? Because you sure didn't mention anything. I've had no problems with T-Mobile for the last 15 yrs


Feb 14, 2018
Let me guess you are using your Verizon branded Iphone 14 max. Get a newer Iphone the Iphone 14's were plagued with connectivity issues. especially with T-Mobile's midband. I had a friend who upgraded their iphone 12 to an iphone 14 years ago who lived in NYC. He thought there was tmobile outage. Turned out it was his new phone. He returned it and waited until the 15. Has had no issues since.
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Jun 18, 2024
This sounds like an advertisement for Verizon. In my years of being a TMobile customer I’ve not experienced any of the issues that the writer has. I also notice that no mention of the cost savings he is experiencing over Verizon was mentioned
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Jun 18, 2024
I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile as my phone carrier, and I've experienced too many drop calls and slow internet connections since making the move.

I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been a total disaster so far : Read more
Make sure you turn off Wifi calling, that can cause the issues you described. Been with T-Mobile for 18 years and it's only gotten better... I have no issues making calls or using data. Currently on unlocked Samsung S24 Ultra.