I test portable speakers for a living — these are my 3 favorites of 2023

Lee I to am very passionate about audiophile both car and home, Bluetooth speakers I believe your miss the boat on this 1 Klipsch has 100 dollar speakers that will blow your favorite Sonos out of the water money should always be in with your debate and 3, 4, 500 dollar Bluetooth speakers is a joke, I am a self taught audiophilist and know headunits, amplifiers and speakers inside out since 1981 I have built countless home and car systems like the 1 in my Boss 302 Mustang I hope this is not a pay you to give poor information to the consumer situation but I will challenge dollar for dollar sound quality any day I'm in for a good debate on stereos anytime. PS McIntosh is 1 of the best bang for the buck for and home amp. Period.