I took Apple Visual Intelligence to an art gallery to act as my tour guide — here's how it did

November 4, 2024 - This is an interesting and worthwhile article/review. Obviously, AI and other Tech of that sort are in the very early stages of development. I'm sure as these things develop and mature, they will be truly amazing. I've found over the years that with most online searches. It is important how a person phrases a question or a search can be extremely important. This is true even when asking a question of fellow human being. If you say for instance.. "Excuse me can you tell me where the house is?" Depending on the situation, the person may be able to give directions, but may in other situations require a less broad query. I feel very fortunate to live in a time where so much information is available, basically for free. I did find it interesting that the article's author mentioned, "Maybe that can't happen in order to balance ChatGPT's server costs against Apple offering its services to iPhone 16 users for free," This is something that I think most of us don't consider when using this kind of Tech.