Try with SlimDrivers to auto install the webcam driver... If the software doesn't detect the webcam driver so it doesn't downoad/install it,.. I'd need a few answers;
1. The Acer Aspire 5536 had windows Vista originally.. didn't it?
2. If so, has Windows 7 been recently installed?...
a). If so, have you began installing Windows Updates?
b). Do you have automatic Updates enabled?...
Some device drivers in Windows 7 need Automatic Windows Updates enabled and the first updates installed before they can install normally and start working.
3. There is also a chance the webcam is old and not supported by Windows 7... Did the download specify the driver is for Windows 7?
4. What's the webcam brand and model? If a brand other than Acer, try finding the driver at the manufacturer website.
SlimDrivers Portable (if you don't want to install the program)