So I was going to downgrade the pc to windows 7 and I noticed that the hard drive was not accessible via bottom bay. So I had to tear the laptop apart. After removing the hdd. At this point the laptop was unplugged I removed the hdd. After backing up all the data I reinstalled the hdd. At this point I had the power button connected to the connector., The button was removed from the housing so its easy to access. I powered on the pc and booted windows 7 install usb. I bumped the power switch and it touched the board and then the computer instantly shutoff. After that the computer would not charge or power on with a charger. I tested with two working chargers. It does however power on with the battery installed. I'm guessing that a component is broken. I originally thought it was the removable power pcb. I ordered a new one but that made no diffrents. I need to figure out which component failed. I'm not good with a multimeter so I dont no where to start or places to check. Where the power button shorted the board is right where the input for the power jack pcb is. I'm sure that one of those components is shorted but I cant figure out how to tell which one. The computer is a DELL INSPIRON N5110. The motherboard is a CN-0G8RW1 I know how to smd rework and solder so that not a problem Here are the pics.
The components in the red circle are directed above the power connector which works. It seems to me that one of these are broken but I dont know which one or how to tell.