Intel HD graphics card for LAN gaming?


Aug 5, 2015
Hello everyone, i am looking for a computer to use for college and the LAN that comes by every now and then. The pc i am looking at has a I3 dual core with 4 gigs of RAM with an Intel HD graphics card. I know this is shit for modern titels, but this would not be my main pc. I would only use it for stuff like Minecraft, UT 2004 and SW battlefront 2(the old one), do you guys think i will manage on this? It seems like a waste to spend another 200 euros on a good graphics card if i will not use it, most games played at LAN's in my area play pretty old games.

Thanks for your help, link to the pc is:,10259,482723,1477847.html?langId=-11
The lowest end laptop I would recommend is to find one with an A8-6410, i5 5200u, or A10-7300. These will all play games at low-high settings, depending on the game. Not sure what it's like in the Netherlands, but these can be had here for USD $300-400.
even minecraft will not run well with that CPU, I would try to get an i5 and something like a GT 740m or 840m while this will cost more, it will be usable even after college, where you can sell it or keep using it.
The lowest end laptop I would recommend is to find one with an A8-6410, i5 5200u, or A10-7300. These will all play games at low-high settings, depending on the game. Not sure what it's like in the Netherlands, but these can be had here for USD $300-400.
I really find laptops are one of those things that really bite you if you buy low end. they cannot be upgraded or overclocked, so buying a cheap laptop like that i not a time worthy investment. while an A8 or i5 like listed by Naturesninja will do the job at low settings, it will be next to useless pretty soon with the way graphics needs are growing.