My neighbor called me and asked me to look at some virus.
When the pc boots up you get desktop for like 1 second then a big full frame page comes up saying the Interpol has locked this pc because of porn and wants money.
Ive restarted the PC in safe mode and it just reboots before desktop comes up. So I cant even get in using safe mode.
When I try to alt+ctrl+del the window comes up and I select task manager and the window never comes up.
I cant alt+tab out of it.
I have 0 access to the desktop while the image is up. No start button, no tray, no nothing.
Ive been googling the problem and every damn result I find wants me to download and run a fixing problem. Well the fixing program finds a ton of problems but wants me to pay to clean them.
He is running windows 7 in 32bit.
When the pc boots up you get desktop for like 1 second then a big full frame page comes up saying the Interpol has locked this pc because of porn and wants money.
Ive restarted the PC in safe mode and it just reboots before desktop comes up. So I cant even get in using safe mode.
When I try to alt+ctrl+del the window comes up and I select task manager and the window never comes up.
I cant alt+tab out of it.
I have 0 access to the desktop while the image is up. No start button, no tray, no nothing.
Ive been googling the problem and every damn result I find wants me to download and run a fixing problem. Well the fixing program finds a ton of problems but wants me to pay to clean them.
He is running windows 7 in 32bit.