News iPhone 16 pre-order sales have a surprising big winner — and a very big loser

It's unfortunate to see you give headline-worthy credence to rumor-mongers like Kuo and his highly suspect proclamations. Apple doesn't reveal sales data to anyone, nor could you possibly tease out sales data just by looking at whether ship dates are slipping or not for given models on Apple's website. You'd also need to know how many of each model Apple had produced per its estimates of what it would need. As for Kuo's supposedly vaunted "supply chain sources" as the whisperers of Apple sales, consider that right up to launch day Kuo couldn't even get the screen sizes right for the new Apple Watch 10. This is an already manufactured product that had passed through all the supply chain sources, so screen sizes were well known, not to mention that they were sitting packaged in some warehouse ready to ship with labels on the boxes showing the screen sizes. THIS readily available info Kuo couldn't find out, but somehow "supply chain sources" knew the iPhone sales numbers almost in real time, despite having no access to this information. Please!