Review iRobot Roomba 675 robot vacuum review

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Oct 13, 2020
We've had Roombas for over 14 years. They generally need replaced right around 10 months (we have cats). The 675 model has been the worst one. I have 2, one on each floor and they both have constant error 14 bin issues. To the point that we've had 4 in the last year due to replacement/protection plan and every single one has the bin issue. The error solution is to clean the bin area, however, we clean and it stops in 30 seconds very quickly with the same error. Keep in mind we have had experience cleaning this style (same layout for years) of Roomba for a very long time so it is always cleaned (we made a kit lol) and sprayed with air weekly. We even tried the 800 series but the brushes/non-brushes were terrible so went back to 600 series since it's still available. The bin is an issue and iRobot won't admit it. I'm about to do a little troubleshooting on the bin area so I don't have to keep going into our big-box store as often.
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